Sunday, 25 October 2009

Share and dare...all about your dreams

Today I am curious to hear about your dreams. What are your dreams??? Would love to have a forum where we can inspire and encourage each other to reach our dreams. It starts with DARING to dream! What would you do/be if anything was possible? Articulate your dream, make a plan and act on it!!! Would love to have LOTS of stories here and lots of cheer-leeders on the side!!!! You know I am always there on YOUR side!

From Dream Factory


  1. Your blog makes me want to be a better and more positive person.
    Keep writing these inspiring words

  2. Wow, thank you, what a good way to start monday on. I would say we inspire each other! I am curious: what is YOUR dream??? ...or dreamS..

  3. I love this blog. It inspires me to put my dreams into action and like you said don't just dream it: be it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. it makes me very happy to hear this..yes, in order to get away from dreamland - we have to make a plan and most importantly FOLLOW the plan...of course there will be hurdles on the way, but keeping the eyes on the horizon helps, and GO!!! so what is your dream? dreams??? I am very curious !!!

  5. Freedom! Freedom in writing, freedom in designing, freedom to express myself - on all levels. Freedom for my kids - in their expression, in their play. Be close to nature - to the ocean. My dream is full of colors - full of taste. Its is laughter, energy, calmnes, openness, creativity.

  6. I´ve read your blog as I stumbled upon it by accident, and have some questions for you. If I sound all "high and mighty" and critical, please bear with me. I´m really anxious to hear your response.

    Why do women always have to cheer each other on? The "we can do it, girls!"-kind of mentality? It sounds cheezie and ridiculous (sorry for sounding childlike, I couldn´t find better words to describe it..).I would guess that some women do it because they think it makes them sound strong, but in fact it´s just the opposite. It just sounds as if we CAN`T do it and instead need reassurance. As if we need workshops where we sit in groups and hug each other in order to have the right mind set and be selfconfident... I´m a successful attorney, I have a master´s degree in mathematics, a wonderful family, an awesome life in general. I am in most ways an active and eager to learn -kind of person, in my private life as well as in my work place. My experience is that "cheerleading" is for women that haven´t spent a lot of time during their day-to-day life reflecting. Why would they otherwise have to attend courses and read books and blogs to be able to have the "right" mind set and to be intellectually aware and present? So called cheerleading is just a lot of high-sounding empty phrases and platitudes ("seize the day", "what you give is what you get" etc I´m still waiting by your blog for "make love not war" or maybe "save the children!") that sounds good for women that still in adulthood is not self sufficient, selfconfident and/or intellectual enough. And why is that? I can recognize your reasoning and your reflections, I´ve had them myself and still do in many ways, but I "got it" as early as in my twenties or even in my teenage years. The same goes for most of my friends.I am now 30.
    And that´s not because I think that we are more insightful than others, just the opposite, if others didn´t realized what you are talking about when they were 20, THEY are late bloomers. And so are you. Not that it has to be something wrong with that. But why is that? Hopefully my friends and I will continue to grow and learn, but what I´m talking about specifically now is the "knowledge" and advice you claim to have, and seem to think of as very unique and revolutionary. Because it´s nothing new and revolutionary about it. And I am surprised that women older than 20 thinks so. My point with all of this? How come that women in their thirties and older need workshops, courses and read books to "find them selves"? The experience of LIFE IT SELF should render that kind of reflection and insight that you advocate. Relationships gone bad, relationships gone right, sickness, the loss of a family member or a friend, childbirth,school etc..Each and everyone of these experiences (and MUCH more)should have given women insight ALONG THE WAY!! To have to go to work shops at the age of 30 or older and pat each other on the back and say "you can do it, you are strong and able" says to me that something has gone wrong when young. This need of reassurance and knowledge in adulthood through books etc, must only mean that a person hasn´t reflected GRADUALLY a long the way concearning his or her life, and therefore must read books and take courses on these subjects much later in life...I think it´s sad that you have to go about it in that way to find these things out...LIFE, at least if you are a mature and reflecting person, should already have presented you with most of the "intellectual tools" (mindfulness, positiv thinking, be what you want to see, the importance of balance, challenges etc) that you talk about in your blog. Because, nothing you say is revolutionary! Even though you seem to think so...(sorry...) For me and mostely everyone I know, this is old news.

    Love to hear your response.


  7. Hi Halle,
    First I d like to ackowledge you for writing such a long post, you seem to have given this a lot of thought.
    When I started to read my intitial reaction was "Oh, she must have got the wrong person, that is really not who I am". Then I realized that the biggest learning for me, from your comment, is that I am not clear enough on my blog on who I am and what I do in the world. Especially for those of you who don't know me in person.

    I am cusious : how DID you stumble on my blog?

    So , I will let you know what I DO a bit more and I will also come back to the question about women cheerleading each other and going to workshops in order "to find themselves".

    The Energy Booster blog is a space where we share the things in life that are giving energy and flow in life. Be it surfing, yoga,off-piste skiing, trip to France, dinner with friends, a differnet mind-set, reading...different from all of us. The stuff that makes the heart beat a bit faster :-)

    I have never ever claimed to be revolutinary :-) We talk about life and people has done from the begining of time :-) It's fun!

    I am working with lots of different exciting things which comes under the umbrella "sports, health, coaching and leadership". My clients are predominately sports people and leaders/managers. People who really wants MORE out of life and who takes on a CONCIOUS attitude towards their own self-developpment. Take any study about leaders and you will get the same answer, the ones who exceed expectations and are the most successful are the ones who also take time to reflect on themselves.

    As I see it self-development never ends...why should it? Life goes on and throws us challanges, we live through them, learn and grow. Why should it end at 30 ? I m 37 and I hope it will never end!!! I would like to make your attention that there is a lot of judgement and assumptions going on from your side when you are writing about "you and your friends" who you are and how you are leading your life. Us and them.

    I don't believe in leading life with titles , they don't tell me a whole lot, tell me also what you believe in , your passions, the way you are with people and I will get a bigger picture. AND in this context (since it seems to matter to you) I would like o make it clear to you that I have triple diplomas : A Master in Lingusitcs combined with Media and Scinece Journalism, A Degree in Sports from Scandianvaian Academy of Fitness Eduacation and a Coaching& Leadership degree from the The Coaches Training Institute in the US.

    When I read about your direct comments on myself, "imature" havent get it yet...I really weigh my words on how much energy and effort I will give this....Because you don't know me to state those "truths". So I leave it there.

    Coming to cheerleading. I belive two things.
    I think its GREAT & WONDERFUL when people are cheerleading each other!!! Men, women, children. Helping each other. It makes many people HAPPY to be able to help. I strongly believe that many workplaces would be a whole lot more healthier if the working culutre was more HUMAN , FUN and HELPFUL. Those companies that have those three elements are also those that attract many new applicants. How is your attitude towards RECIEVEING help is my question to you?

    I think one of the reasons why women look inte self-developpment especially in the 30-4o ties can be because this is the time when many form a family and the constant juggle between family and career is a a big factor to continue self-development becase their own role has expanded.

    Lots of interesting things to discuss, thank you for sharing your opinions.

    Kind regards

  8. Halle, you might want to check out my homepage:
    Have a good day!

  9. Hi!

    Here comes yet another long post on your blog (Part 1):

    Thank you for your response Yvette. There is SO much than I can say about all these things...I realize of course, when looking at my post, that I sound much more negative than I intended to, even though I stand by my words.

    I stumbled upon your blog when looking for something that resembled the name on your blog "energy booster". There is a lot of phenomenons named energy booster; blogs, energy drinks, books etc...Now you know.

    You say that you may have been unclear as to the purpose of your blog. Maybe I was unclear when it came to my criticism. Like I wrote in my post, I hope that I keep on learning. What I questioned was the need for learning by attending seminars and courses instead of just being consciously present and aware AT ALL TIMES and during your day-to-day life. That is, as I see it, that best way of learning. You talk about having a concious attitude, and I completely agree with that. I agree with everything you say about the need of self developement. I just think that there is something wrong (for loss of a better word) when it takes a seminar in order to "selfdevelope" and in order to have a concious attitude ..

    You seem ( and I stress the word "seem", since I can not possibly know) to have a problem with my being critical and polemic. Can´t you just regard it as my playing the devil´s advocate? Because when it really comes down to it, isn´t it by being challenged that you develop? For me at least, I know that I never learn if everyone always agrees with me and never challenges me on what I say and think. For me (and I hope for everyone else)the ones that trim their sails to every wind DO NOT bring me new knowledge and point of views that I think is necessery for personal growth. You need some resistance for that! To be supportive and to help each other may be a good thing i many ways, but will it always help you grow....? Of course, like many other things, that is a question of balancing...When is the time to support someones thinking, and when is the time for doing just the opposite...?

    End of part one. Part two later.

  10. PART TWO:

    I agree, titles isn´t necessarily the important thing. It depends on what point you´d like to make. When I referred to my academic record I did it as a way of mentioning ONE of ALL those things (together with everything else I mentioned about my life and family) that makes me feel accomplished and fulfilled. I have read your "list of merits": good for you! As someone who traditionally always have given preference to academic achievements, I think it´s great that you can find your place even outside of the academical sphere!

    And no, I didn´t tell you that you were immature, I talked about being mature and intellectual in GENERAL. Even thow I can understand how my choice of words would have made you draw that conclusion, you made that deduction yourself.... Sorry, non the least.

    Ohh...the question of "am I able to receive help"!I could go on and on and on when it comes to that... Sadly, NOT being able to ask for help is regarded upon as a weakness. "But then you should learn to ask for help" my friends often say (to take my own life as an example. And it is just that, an example). NO! Why do I need to learn that? Because I don´t think that receiving help BY NECESSITY is a good thing. Or, to express myself more accurately, I don´t think that recieving help is an INHERENTLY good thing. It CAN be a good thing, but far from always. It depends on if the consequences of NOT asking for help is negative ones. If it´s not, and one thinks that doing things yourself is more productive and brings about more energy and fulfillment (wow, I´m using a word that I often think is a high sounding- empty phrase!:)), then you shouldn´t ask for help. You should choose the alternative (that is, to ask or NOT to ask for help) that is best for your personal growth. No, I don´t like asking for help, but that is not a weakness. Because so far, it has helped me to be the independent person I`D like to be. How? Because it has learned me that everything can be resolved, it has helped me to be resourceful! I become more sure of my capabilities and thus more independent! But of course, if I (or anyone else for that matter)would find that NOT asking for help would render more negative results in my life, I would ask for it because then it´s a strength to be able to receive help. But like I said, sadly people (often women) IMMEDIATELY thinks that everyone should learn to recieve help. I say no. Just if one "suffers" not to ask for it.

    Like you say, lots of interesting things to discuss. But, however nice it can be to be cheerful and supportive, one should also learn to be challenged in ones views.

  11. Of course, I love debate, so maybe you got it wrong when stressing that I seem to be critical to it.I tried to be as factual as possible when answering. I agree hundred percent that we develop when our views are challanged. I will come back to you soon with a response. In bed with swine flu these days and energy is not that high. Recovering.

    Kind regards

  12. Hi again,

    In short these are my thoughts on the topics...

    I do belive there is space and place for both: we develop as life goes by AND some of us like going to courses and workshops as well. They can be a lot of fun and take place in awsome places !!! I believe in diversity, we are all different, with different needs, I am not , of nature, someone who judge "good or bad" "right or wrong" when people can feel and believe in differnet things. As I see it there is space for all :-)

    When it comes to "ask for help" we are truly on two different "radio channels" you and I :-) We dont have to agree with the whole world in my view :-) I have seen so much work being done wih especially executives and CEO's when it comes to exercises about "asking for help" and "delegation" so there is little that will convince me that asking for help is not a good thing :-) Another side is : I also see how happy people become when GIVING help to others so I am a big fan of giving and recieving help.

    I belive you can be determined, focused, task-oriented, looking for top performance AND asking for help. If I look at the top sports people I have worked with they have a long list of helpers to get them where they want... :-)

    Again, thanks a lot for sharing your views, I love a debate !

    Kind regards


Use respectful language and form of communication, all disrespectful language will be taken away from the blog, Thank you, Yvette.