Picture : Daniela at www.babitonga.co.uk
Have you heard about Gremlin? Gremlin is the little voice in the head saying "you must, you should, you are too old, you are too young, you ought to do the dishes before you can enjoy yourself..." etc, etc. and etc . I think we all have this little voice AND, fortunately there are ways to turn the volume down. We can use some really cool and powerful tools that makes the volume less high and we can also, when needed, just through this little Gremlin out.
Most important to start with : be aware when its there.
Then decide what you want to do with it.
Conversation with Gremlin can go something like this:
" Wow, I would love to be able to do more sports during the week"
Gremlin: "but you have no time"
"I can create time, by being more efficient
Gremlin "but its no use, you are really too old"
"yes, maybe you are right, maybe I don't have time and I am probably too old too..."
BE AWARE!!! Here its time to take a step back and observe who is the one taking charge: your Gremlin who wants to put you in a safe, "comfy" corner or your wishes of starting sports ???
Here : the only choice is to say to yourself: I don't have time for Gremlin party, I 'm off running ...and throw the Gremlin far away. Sounds very easy in writing - but can give us challanges in real life...Training our mind is just like training a muscle in the body...you get good at what you practise...if you train and feed your Gremlin you will get good at throwing Gremlin parties and will probably be stuck in the sofa, and if you train to throw it away or turn the volume down...you will find it easier to listen to your heart and your core !!! How cool is that!!!!
This is just a tiny tiny example how to work with Gremlin.
What I would like to ask you is: what would be POSSIBLE if you could let go of Gremlin and follow the voice of your heart and your core ? Your dreams, passions, goals...??? Can you feel the open space ???? Go there and explore....and be kind to yourself...
I am leaving you in this big, open space to create some time for dream catching and kindness :-)
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