Saturday, 11 July 2009

Energy shift

I assume that you know what I mean when I say that there is one chapter coming to and end and a new one is just about to start?

That is exactly where I am in my life now. And the energy shift that is taking place is very interesting to experience. We are about to make the move from London and going to settle in Norway. There is this incredible peace of mind inside me. Like this is exactly where I have to be, this is exactly where I have to go.

I was in Norway just for two days to look for a house , and it felt so RIGHT...there was the sand dunes, the surfers, the mountains, the calm, the simpleness, the fresh air, the prettiness of the city...and not to mention THE PRAWNS bought directly from the fishermen !!! :-) (I know I am a bit of romantic...AND so be it!!!! :-)

This didn't "just happen" to me , it has been planned for and decisions have been made out from my values (and of course my familiy's values ) and our dreams , what we want from life...and I am happy to see what is about to unfold....and on the way I am enjoying every step...

Where are you in life ? What is about to unfold?

Love & sunshine from inside,

Thursday, 2 July 2009

HAPPY for what is there

Just a thought that came up in my head this week...Be HAPPY for what is there in front of us, be happy with the people around...instead of not being happy with those who are not there...Energize with the ones who gives energy and let go of energy-thieves....

Warm greetings